Fire Eye

FireEye Advanced Threat Report 2013

Der vorliegende Advanced Threat Report (ATR) bietet eine Übersicht der Angriffe auf Computernetzwerke, die im Jahr 2013 von FireEye beobachtet wurden. Den hierin beschriebenen Cyberaktivitäten liegen unserer Ansicht nach primär die folgenden Motive zugrunde: • Diebstahl geistigen Eigentums • Abfangen vertraulicher Regierungskommunikation • Sabotage von Websites, die für die nationale Sicherheit von Belang sind Die

Debunking the Myth of Sandbox Security

Organizations are under assault by a new generation of cyber attacks that easily evade traditional defenses. These coordinated campaigns are targeted. They are stealthy. And they are persistent. Many exploit zero-day vulnerabilities and orchestrate attacks across multiple vectors. The threat actors behind these attacks are dead set on finding your weaknesses, targeting their way into

Cybersecurity Strategies for Small to Medium-sized Businesses

Small to medium-sized businesses are essential to the global economy. They contribute $3.8 trillion annually to the U.S. private-sector GDP (Gross Domestic Product)1 alone, which ranks them as the equivalent of the world’s fourth-largest country. And many of the challenges faced by today’s small to medium-sized businesses are no different than those of large organizations