
10 Essential Steps to Email Security

Modern business is reliant on email. All organisations using email need to answer the following questions: How do we control spam volumes without the risk of trapping a business email? How do we prevent infections from email-borne viruses? How do we stop leakage of confidential information? Can we detect and stop exploitation from phishing attacks?

Clearswift Government Communications 2.0

A state government that “doesn’t know whether its agencies have adequate information security measures in place.” 1.6 million patients’ records lost at a dump. A 650 per cent spike in federal network security breaches.1 Another day, another public sector data breach, or so it seems. No one sets out to lose data, but as news

Clearswift Information Governance

The rapidly expanding field of Information Governance, a wide reaching term encompassing all aspects of policies, processes and controls used in the effective management of information for an organizations regulatory, risk and operational needs, has at its heart a requirement to understand the information that is travelling through the organization in order to adequately protect

2013 ‘The Enemy Within’ Report

Clearswift commissioned Loudhouse to conduct research to identify the extent to which internal security threats are affecting UK organisations and, in turn, how these are being managed. Companies now rely on increasing numbers of third parties, sharing sensitive information across increasingly global and diverse networks of connections – this extended enterprise is effectively blurring the

The Need for Data Loss Prevention Now

Anyone who has tried to replace a laser toner cartridge in corporate America knows the hassle. If you are lucky and there happens to be one in the supply closet, then signatures and a few keys later, the toner can be removed from the hollowed sanctums of the office supply closet. As soon as the

10 Essential Steps to Web Security

Clearswift’s research shows a large majority of companies recognize that a new approach to security is needed in this era of web collaboration- and we’d like to help. This short guide outlines 10 simple steps to best practice in web security. Follow them all to step up your organization’s information security and stay ahead of

The Need for Data Loss Prevention Now

Data leak prevention is powerful technology that can be used to plug the holes in the data leakage dam that is affecting myriad organizations worldwide. While DLP is a broad set of features, of which would require a much longer document, Clearswift is happy to offer this white paper as an introduction to the topic

Flexible Unternehmensrichtlinien für die sichere Nutzung von Web und E-Mail

Soziale Netzwerke sind ohne Interaktion nutzlos. Allerdings möchten Sie als Verantwortlicher nicht, dass Mitarbeiter sensible Informationen austauschen oder fragwürdige Kommentare abgeben, aus denen jeder, der zwischen den Zeilen lesen kann, vertrauliche Informationen ziehen kann. Und ganz bestimmt möchten Sie nicht, dass jeder Dateien mit möglicherweise gefährlichen oder vertraulichen Inhalten hoch- oder runterladen kann, oder dass