
SSL Decryption

SSL encryption is the cornerstone technology that makes the Internet secure. Email, e-commerce, voice-over-IP, online banking, remote health, and countless other services are kept secure with SSL. Unfortunately, most of that traffic goes uninspected because many security and performance monitoring tools lack the ability to see inside the encrypted sessions. Monitoring application performance and network

NetFlow and Metadata Generation

NetFlow and other network metadata generation methods are a simple, effective way to increase visibility into traffic flows and usage patterns across systems. The flow-generated data can be used to build relationships and usage patterns between nodes on the network. Routers and switches that support NetFlow and other network metadata generation can collect IP traffic

Application Session Filtering

Die Applikations-Landschaft in Firmen ist seit einiger Zeit einem grundlegenden Wandel unterworfen. Die Konvergenz von Sprache, Video und Datenverkehr über IP-Netzwerke und die “Webification” von Applikationen hat die Traffic-Muster in Netzwerken und Rechenzentren gründlich verändert. Der Datenverkehr in Firmennetzwerken besteht inzwischen in vielen Unternehmen zu einem großen Teil schon aus HTTP- und HTTPS-Traffic. Das reduziert