
The Need for Data Loss Prevention Now

Anyone who has tried to replace a laser toner cartridge in corporate America knows the hassle. If you are lucky and there happens to be one in the supply closet, then signatures and a few keys later, the toner can be removed from the hollowed sanctums of the office supply closet. As soon as the

The Big Data Security Analytics Era Is Here

A few years ago, ESG created a security management maturity model that outlined a progression through four phases of a security management program’s evolution. The goal was to leverage ESG research to uncover success strategies and best practices, then use this information to help CISOs build a security management plan and prioritize the right activities

The Evolution and Value of Purpose-Built Backup Appliances

Today, customers are still grappling with subpar backup performance as backups outstrip the allotted backup window time. Customer strategies for data protection and recovery continue to be dictated by aggressive SLAs, rapid recovery, and ease of integration in existing environments. As a result, firms are embracing more disk-based data protection technologies, including purpose-built backup appliances

Auch für Daten gilt: Prävention ist die beste Therapie

Bei Aufträgen mit Auslandseinsatz haben Verantwortliche meist alle Hände voll zu tun: Das Projekt muss logistisch auf den Weg gebracht werden; Partner sind einzubinden; Juristisches ist zu klären; gegebenenfalls werden Aufenthaltstitel benötigt. Aber auch die Vorsorge für das gesundheitliche Wohlergehen der Mitarbeiter am Einsatzort darf hier nicht zu kurz kommen. Gerade in entlegenen Regionen kann

Debunking the Myth of Sandbox Security

Organizations are under assault by a new generation of cyber attacks that easily evade traditional defenses. These coordinated campaigns are targeted. They are stealthy. And they are persistent. Many exploit zero-day vulnerabilities and orchestrate attacks across multiple vectors. The threat actors behind these attacks are dead set on finding your weaknesses, targeting their way into

The Need for Data Loss Prevention Now

Data leak prevention is powerful technology that can be used to plug the holes in the data leakage dam that is affecting myriad organizations worldwide. While DLP is a broad set of features, of which would require a much longer document, Clearswift is happy to offer this white paper as an introduction to the topic