
Neue Perspektiven durch Helium-Füllung für Festplatten

Die aktuelle Festplattentechnologie (HDD) erreicht das obere Plateau einer Technologie-S-Kurve. Dadurch wird kurzfristig die Fähigkeit der Hersteller beschränkt, die Speicherkapazität einer Festplatte zu erhöhen. In den letzten Jahren hat sich die maximale Kapazität von Festplatten alle zwei bis drei Jahre verdoppelt. Im Vergleich dazu hat sich vor zehn Jahren die maximale Kapazität einer Festplatte jährlich

Will Your SSD Stand the Test of Time?

SSD endurance is an important but often overlooked aspect of the hardware. HGST SSDs use CellCare Technology to ensure greater durability, which can eliminate downtime and labour costs, contributing to an overall reduction in TCO. This white paper unwraps the various methods of measuring SSD endurance and demonstrates how this can affect application availability, life

The Hidden Limitations of SSD Benchmarking

Some SSD benchmark scores can be misleading if they do not reflect long-term performance; SSD benchmark tests should measure the stability of consistent performance over time in real-world environments which reflect enterprise applications and performance demands. This white paper explores the limitations of existing benchmarks and shows how HGST uses validation testing against real-world applications

How to Reach Virtually Unlimited Scalability with MySQL

The greatest challenge in using MySQL is the issue of scalability – for business-critical data and mission-critical applications, this means exceptional performance, low latency, low power consumption and high durability. HGST s1100 Series PCIe accelerators offer advantages of speed and cost in comparison to the traditional costly and complex scale out architecture. This white paper

A Comparison of SAS vs. SATA Interfaces

HGST opens out the SAS vs. SATA debate with robust, scalable, high endurance SAS SSDs which comparative testing shows deliver a superior solution with greater value for enterprise and Cloud applications. This white paper examines the differences and advantages of both SAS and SATA and includes performance analysis and applications within the enterprise.

NFV adoption to transform telecommunications infrastructure

Network functions virtualization (NFV) is an initiative driven by several dozen large (Communications Service Providers) CSPs that dramatically increases the use of virtualization and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) systems in their networks. Telecom infrastructure has long been a bastion of proprietary software running on purposebuilt hardware. NFV leverages IT technologies – including virtualization, standard servers, and open software – so

Internet Security Threat Report 2014

Symantec has established the most comprehensive source of Internet threat data in the world through the Symantec™ Global Intelligence Network, which is made up of more than 41.5 million attack sensors and records thousands of events per second. This network monitors threat activity in over 157 countries and territories through a combination of Symantec products

Evolution und Wert spezialgefertigter Backup-Appliances

Unzureichende Backup-Leistung ist derzeit noch für viele Unternehmen ein großes Problem, da Backups die zugewiesenen Backup-Zeitfenster oftmals überschreiten. Unternehmensstrategien für die Datensicherung und -wiederherstellung werden weiterhin von strikten Service-Level-Vereinbarungen (SLAs), schnellen Wiederherstellungen und der Notwendigkeit für eine problemlose Integration in vorhandene Umgebungen diktiert.

Manage Cisco UCS C-Series Rack-Mount Servers

Cisco UCS™ Manager provides unified, embedded management of all software and hardware components of the Cisco Unified Computing System™ (Cisco UCS) across multiple chassis and rack-mount servers and thousands of virtual machines. Cisco UCS Manager manages Cisco UCS as a single entity through an intuitive GUI, a command-line interface (CLI), or an XML API for