
A Survival Guide for Data in the Wild

All corporate data used to reside in the data center. Safe and sound behind the corporate firewall. But now, employees have multiple devices—usually a laptop, a tablet, and a smartphone—that they use both inside and outside of the office. And outside the corporate firewall, it’s a wild world. With so many devices to think about

XP Migration Made Easy with Druva inSync

With a 50% chance of putting in overtime for XP migration, migrating all your devices can seem like an insurmountable task. Utilizing inSync can simplify data migration for thousands of devices and reduce the amount of time and resources you need to put into migration.

Top 10 Endpoint Backup Mistakes

The mobile workforce is rapidly obsoleting traditional backup strategies. Failure to adapt puts your data (and your job) at risk. • Mistake #1: Not backing up laptops and mobile devices makes every device a ticking time bomb • Mistake #7: Not picking the right deployment model could cost you thousands down the road • Mistake

Critical Capabilities for Enterprise Endpoint Backup

Given the rise of mobility and BYOD, endpoint backup must evolve to meet the unique needs of the mobile workforce. To help organizations evaluate backup solutions to meet these needs, Gartner compared 7 vendors against 11 critical capabilities in their report. For the 2nd year in a row, Gartner ranks Druva #1 for overall product

7 Elements of Radically Simple OS Migration

Avoid the typical headaches of OS migration during your next project by learning about 7 elements that will enable you to: • Centrally manage data migration • Preserve users’ data and personal settings • Mitigate network impacts during migration Access the white paper to find out how to radically simplify your OS migration project.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Cloud Backup

IT departments are embracing cloud backup, but there’s a lot you need to know before choosing a service provider. For example, did you know: • That encryption doesn’t guarantee privacy? • That you could lose data by choosing the wrong cloud? • That cloud backup doesn’t have to be slow? Learn all the critical things

Software Defined Storage For Dummies

Software Defined Storage For Dummies, IBM Platform Computing Edition, examines data storage and management challenges and explains software defined storage, an innovative solution for high-performance, cost-effective storage using IBM’s GPFS. The rapid, accelerating growth of data, transactions, and digitally aware devices is straining today’s IT infrastructure and operations. At the same time, storage costs are

Telefonanlagen aus der Cloud

Die IT wandert zusehends in die Wolke. Das Telefon folgt diesem Trend. Telefonanlagen aus der Cloud werden als Alternative immer attraktiver gegenüber den klassischen Telefonanlagen, die Unternehmen in Eigenregie betreiben. Ein hoher Aufwand für Installation und Betrieb sind nicht mehr zeitgemäß. Ebenso wenig entspricht die limitierte Skalierbarkeit den schneller werdenden Geschäftsanforderungen. Moderne TK-System müssen Optionen

Webinar: Beherrschen Sie die Business-Etikette?

Wer Erfolg im Beruf haben will, braucht mehr als reines Fachwissen – ohne gute Umgangsformen kein beruflicher Erfolg. Um Kunden, Chefs und Kollegen von sich zu überzeugen, müssen die Spielregeln der sozialen Kompetenz bekannt sein und auch umgesetzt werden. Im interaktiven Webinar erklärt die Expertin für Business-Etikette, Anke Quittschau, wie Sie auf andere Menschen wirken

Lessons from Sucessful Mobile Initiatives

Whether you’ve embraced it or not, mobile is already part of your business. Gone are the days when IT support was provided by phoning the help desk. Gone are the days when help desk agents had the best answer to every technology question. Gone are the days when business users went to IT first to