
Vendor Insight BPM technology: IBM

IBM has a long history as a provider of process automation technology. In recent years the company has focused significant effort on building a new process management platform within its WebSphere software unit, as well as buying companies with strong technology relevant to BPM (FileNet, ILOG and Lombardi, to name but three). However, for some

Smarter Process in the age of the customer

The age of the customer. Possibly no term better illustrates the current era of business. Customers expect their experience to be flawless at every touchpoint, and with competitors only a click (or tap) away, company leaders have a strong incentive to deliver. Online retailers have set a high standard in the way that they engage

The software edge

A wide range of emerging technologies – from mobile devices and collaborative tools to the explosion of unstructured data and use of cloud solutions – is changing the way organizations in virtually every industry compete. These technologies have transformed how companies interact with customers, business partners and suppliers, enabling significantly greater efficiencies and cost advantages.

Why IBM Operational Decision Management?

To the business user of information systems, the relationship with the IT personnel who build and maintain those systems can be a contradictory experience. On the one hand, IT delivers significant productivity benefits by automating routine tasks and improving access to information, while on the other hand, the process of building automated systems often requires

Reap the Benefits of the Evolving HPC Cloud

Harnessing the necessary high performance compute power to drive modern biomedical research is a formidable and familiar challenge throughout the life sciences. Modern research-enabling technologies – Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), for example – generate huge datasets that must be processed. Key applications such as genome assembly, genome annotation and molecular modeling can be data-intensive, compute

Accelerating life sciences research

New approaches to genomic analysis, such as next-generation sequencing, will play key roles in advancing scientific knowledge, facilitating the development of targeted drugs and delivering personalized healthcare. To capitalize on these new approaches, life sciences organizations need computing environments that can process tremendous amounts of data rapidly. Speed of analy-sis is critical in life sciences

Prozessmanagement ist kein Selbstzweck: Das Potenzial der Prozessanalyse

Muss Prozessmanagement komplex sein? Sicherlich steckt die Implementierung und Dokumentation neuer Prozesse voller Tücken: Oft können miteinander verbundene Prozesse kaum transparent betrachtet, geschweige denn analysiert und optimiert werden. Das kostet Zeit und Geld. Aber mit der passenden Software lassen sich Betriebskosten senken, Fehler minimieren, Compliance-Vorschriften erfüllen, Audits vorbereiten und einiges mehr. Zudem können betroffene Mitarbeiter

10 Essential Steps to Email Security

Modern business is reliant on email. All organisations using email need to answer the following questions: How do we control spam volumes without the risk of trapping a business email? How do we prevent infections from email-borne viruses? How do we stop leakage of confidential information? Can we detect and stop exploitation from phishing attacks?